Avete mai dimenticato una password? 1Password può ricordarle tutte per voi e tenerle al sicuro. Tutto quello che dovrete ricordare sarà la vostra Password Master.
Amata ed utilizzata da milioni di utenti. Provate 1Password oggi stesso!
Ogni giorno ci sono nuove password da ricordare. Quando se ne creano di nuove, spesso le si dimentica. Se utilizzate la medesima password più e più volte, diventerete vulnerabili. 1Password risolve tutti questi problemi.
- Create password forti ed uniche per ogni sito web
- Tenete al sicuro i vostri dati, nascosti da una singola Password Master
- Proteggetevi con un'autenticazione criptata AES a 256-bit anti manomissione
- Il blocco automatico mantiene i vostri dati al sicuro anche se il vostro Mac dovesse essere perso o rubato
1Password non solo vi tiene al sicuro con password forti ed uniche, ma vi rende anche più produttivi.
- Effettuate il login automatico nei siti web utilizzando i vostri browser preferiti
- Riempite i moduli delle vostre carte di credito con un singolo click
- Accedete rapidamente ai vostri dati ovunque vi troviate con 1Password mini
- Aprite siti web ed effettuate automaticamente il login utilizzando la funzione dei preferiti Go & Fill
1Password vi permette di conservare molto più che semplici login a siti web. Tiene tutte le vostre informazioni importati a portata di dito.
- Conserva i dati delle Carte di Credito, Note sicure, Passaporti, Conti Bancari, e molto altro
- Ricorda in modo semplice le Domande Sicure dei siti web e genera risposte sicure
- Conserva in modo sicuro documenti ed immagini
- Non uscirete mai più di casa senza le vostre informazioni importanti
1Password supporta tutti i vostri dispositivi preferiti. Conservate le vostre informazioni critiche ovunque andiate.
- Il supporto ad iCloud significa sincronizzazione sicura con la semplicità Apple
- Il supporto a Dropbox fornisce una condivisione e sincronizzazione tra diverse piattaforme
- Usate cartelle a vostra scelta per sincronizzare diversi computer tra loro, dentro una vostra rete sicura
1Password permette di organizzare i vostri dati in diverse casseforti e condividetele in modo sicuro con altri. Utilizzate casseforti separate per avere la libertà di scelta su cosa condividere e con chi.
- Condividete accessi di lavoro con i vostri colleghi
- Create una cassaforte di famiglia per la condivisione con il vostro partner
- Distribuite chiavi criptate con il vostro team di sviluppo
- Scambiate account e documenti con i vostri clienti
Le possibilità sono infinite! La cosa migliore è che potete condividere in modo sicuro le vostre casseforti in modo che ognuno possa avere le informazioni più recente.
Novità (in inglese) nella versione 6.0.1 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
We hope you love our 6.0 release as much as we do! Hot on its heels, we've got a little update that should squash some of the bugs that managed to wiggle into the code.
* Fixed an issue where it was no longer possible to drag .app files to 1Password to create Software Licenses.
* Fixed an issue where needless empty backup files were created while running in 1Password for Teams-only mode.
* Fixed an issue where displaying a Document would fail in QuickLook after locking and unlocking the app.
* Fixed an issue where you couldn't close an item view in mini with the left arrow keyboard shortcut.
* Fixed an issue where save pending changes would prevent auto lock timeout.
* Fixed an issue where changes after the first pending save would be lost when creating a new item.
* Fixed a crash that could occur when unlocking while an anchored mini window contained a 1Password for Teams item.
* Fixed a crash that could occur when changing the sort type in the main app.
* Fixed a crash that could occur when quitting 1Password mini.
* Fixed a crash that could happen while bringing up the main window, especially while unlocking in mini while the main window was closed.
1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance!
We love hearing from you! Get in touch with us at discussions.agilebits.com, @1Password on Twitter, or support@1password.com.
===== What's New in Version 6.0 ====
The Force has awakened, rambunctious kittens have caused explosions of pine needles in living rooms, nog has been drunk. A new year has begun. Thank you for making 2015 so amazing! We look forward to celebrating another fantastic year with you.
Our first Mac release of 2016 is a doozy. We’re thrilled to introduce you to 1Password version 6.0! It’s chock full of features that you’ve requested, such as Teams, wordlist passwords, and a universal view of your vaults.
== All Vaults ==
Multiple vaults are amazing for organizing and compartmentalizing your 1Password items, but it’s easy to lose track of what’s where. The new All Vaults feature is a customizable global view of all your vaults. Easily choose which vaults are included in the view. See all the information you want. See *only* the information you want.
== Powered-Up Strong Password Generator ==
1Password can now generate passwords using real words that are easy to remember and type. Their randomness and length make them strong and secure.
== 1Password for Teams ==
Add your 1Password for Teams vaults to 1Password. If you’ve never used 1Password before, it’s now easier than ever to set up 1Password for Teams on your Mac with a Teams-only mode available during setup.
1Password 6.0.1 per OS X 10.10 (o versione successiva) e processore a 64 bit è in vendita sul Mac App Store al prezzo di Euro 49,99
Disponibile anche la versione 1Password 6.2.1 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).
Novità nella versione 6.2.1 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
Good morrow yon wonderful 1Password customers! We have really been enjoying the fantastic feedback you’ve been leaving for 1Password 6.2; it’s great to see that you love it as much as we do. We also appreciate the bug reports you’ve been sending in via our support forums. We grabbed a few of the higher profile issues you have reported and are happy to present 1Password 6.2.1. Cheers!
== Fixed ==
- We found some instances where swiping to go back wasn’t working properly and corrected them. {OPI-3332}
- We discovered a case where changing the Master Password of one vault could result in the Master Password being changed on a different vault. We have corrected this error. {OPI-3323}
- Folders now sync properly when using AgileKeychain vaults. {OPI-3299}
- While in All Vaults we discovered some vaults didn't sync after unlocking and we've addressed this. {OPI-3325}
[update] Disponibile la versione 1Password 6.2.2 per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad su App Store gratuitamente (Offre acquisti in-app).
Novità nella versione 6.2.2 comunicate dallo sviluppatore:
= The Preschooler Edition =
Normally we don't title our bug fix releases but in this case we decided to make a small exception for a big change: 1Password is now rated 4+! Since we've shed our 17+ rating you can safely and happily start teaching your young ones how to generate strong, unique passwords for their Minecraft server logins and what have you.
We love hearing from you! Get in touch with us at discussions.agilebits.com, @1Password on Twitter, and facebook.com/1Password
== NEW ==
- 1Password is now rated 4+ by the App Store and can be installed on devices whose parental restrictions block certain age ratings. This change was made possible by recent improvements to our built-in web browser so that it respects your device's parental controls.
== Fixed ==
- Fixed an issue where secondary vaults were locked after unlocking 1Password with the Master Password. {OPI-3343}
- Fixed a crash that could occur after deleting the last folder in a list. {OPI-3358}
- The app would sometimes hang when syncing with Dropbox. We convinced it that user interaction was something that should always be possible. {OPI-3367}
- We corrected a problem where 1Password wasn't showing Logins on certain site variations in 1Browser and the App Extension. For instance, it would show on amazon.com, but not amazon.co.uk.
- Vault name changes in 1Password for Teams are now properly recognized in the 1Password app. {OPB-788}
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