The goal of the Exploring series has been to move students beyond the point and click, helping them understand the why and how behind each skill. The Exploring series for Office 2010 also enables students to extend the learning beyond the classroom.
- Chapter 1 SharePoint Technologies : Introduction to SharePoint 2010
- Chapter 2 Web Sites : Working with SharePoint Sites
- Chapter 3 Web Pages : Working with SharePoint Web Pages
- Chapter 4 Microsoft Office 2010: Integrating Microsoft Office 2010 Documents with SharePoint Sites and Adding Interactive Web forms to SharePoint Sites
- Appendix A Internet, World Wide Web, Web Sites: Introduction to the Internet, World Wide Web, Web Sites and Web Pages
- Appendix B HTML, XHTML, XML, and CSS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2010 Use Friendly Tools for Working with HTML, XHTML, XML, and CSS
- Appendix C Accessibility and Usability: Designing and Building Accessible and User Friendly Web Sites and Web Pages
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Exploring Microsoft SharePoint 2010" di Daniela Marghitu e Robert T Grauer, edito da Prentice Hall, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 56,38
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