giovedì 19 gennaio 2012

An Introduction to Programming with ActionScript 3.0

Contenuto del volume:

This new full-color, multimedia-focused text provides a CS1 level introduction to computer programming by employing an example-based methodology involving animation, sound, graphics, and interactivity. As the multimedia language associated with Adobe Flash, ActionScript 3.0 offers a more compelling introduction to the world of programming than other standard programming languages, yet is powerful and comprehensive enough to provide a complete introduction to all the foundational concepts. By using the Flash environment, this book presents programming concepts that are relevant to multimedia-focused games and applications and is the ideal resource for those interested in building visually rich and interactive applications.

An Introduction to Programming with ActionScript 3.0 satisfies ACM guidelines for a first course in a computer science curriculum and covers all of the key topics required for any introductory level programming course: program analysis and design, data types, selective and iterative control structures, functions, arrays, and classes. In addition, it covers ActionScript's powerful ability to construct complex and interactive animations using graphics and sounds. Through programming, this text exposes readers to the problem solving and critical thinking skills required for effective participation in the digital world.

An Introduction to Programming with ActionScript 3.0 is ideal for students interested in learning crucial programming concepts for which technology, arts, and media converge. It is also highly recommended for multimedia programmers, interactive artists, game designers, and innovative web application developers.

Key Features:
  • Correlates to the recommendations put forth by the ACM/IEEE CS1 course requirements.
  • Provides a concept-oriented approach that can be easily transferred to other languages such as Java, Python, C++, and C#.
  • Explores design and implementation of web applications, animation, and games, including a flight simulator and logic board, and introduces OOP with structures and multimedia elements in an easy to understand style.
  • Through the use of case studies, readers will participate in experiments that guide them through the analysis and understanding of a problem. With each study, readers will see the blending of traditional problem-solving techniques with visual design storyboarding and finally a well explained complete solution for the multimedia application.
  • All sample programs have been tested on Adobe Flash CS4 and CS5.5. Source code is provided so students can run the programs themselves.

  • Student Programming files (source code) to case studies and examples from the text.
  • Instructor's Manual containing solutions to the end of chapter exercises
  • Instructor PowerPoint Lecture Outlines containing the figures, tables, and selected other material from the text.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "An Introduction to Programming with ActionScript 3.0" di Patricia Cornez e Richard Cornez, edito da Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 56,53.

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