sabato 7 gennaio 2012

Web Designers Application Sketch Book

Contenuto del volume:

Think you have the next great web site idea? The Web Designers Application Sketch Book is an essential tool for any aspiring web designer. This sketch book makes it easy to centralize and organize your ideas, featuring enlarged browser window frame templates to write on. Professionally printed on high-quality paper, it has a total of 150 gridded templates for you to draft ideas and doodle designs while providing ample room to make notes and document the web site name and screen name. This book is an invaluable tool for bringing your next great web site idea to life!

What you'll learn
  • The Apress Web Designers Application Sketch Book makes it easy to keep design ideas organized in one central place
  • Includes 150 magnified templates for easy use, with plenty of room on the gridded page to jot notes and doodle designs
  • This professional notepad gives your design a finished look from which to share ideas with colleagues and clients

Who this book is for
Any aspiring web designer.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Web Designers Application Sketch Book" di Dean Kaplan, edito da APress, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 11,01.

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