giovedì 19 gennaio 2012

The iPad for Photographers (Ilex)

Contenuto del volume:

Digital photography has taken much of the delay from photography; files are available from the memory card in moments, and can be transferred to the computer for editing and printing. The iPad, though, is the ultimate photographer’s accessory; a display screen, picture storage drive and image manipulation tool all in one.

This book explores all the possibilities of the device offers studio and travelling photographers, including simple step by step instructions for tasks as varied as downloading images and remote shooting. Covering the major image manipulation apps as well as the built-in software and the possibilities of social networking, this book turns the iPad into an invaluable tool.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "The iPad for Photographers" di Ben Harvell, edito da Ilex, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 11,29.

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