lunedì 23 gennaio 2012

Programming with JavaScript: Algorithms and Applications for Desktop and Mobile Browsers

Contenuto del volume:

Used in millions of web pages, JavaScript is an excellent teaching language and ideal for students delving into computer science for the first time. Designed specifically for the CS1 introductory programming course, Programming with JavaScript: Algorithms and Applications for Desktop and Mobile Browsers introduces students to computer science and programming using a modern approach. The text correlates to the ACM/IEEE CS1 course requirements and provides real-world case studies and numerous exercises throughout. The case studies show readers actual examples and their development from inception to final product.

The authors cover unique topics not typically found in an introductory-level text, such as 2D and 3D graphics in web pages, multitouch and gesture interfaces, distributed computing, software engineering fundamentals, and coverage of powerful tools such as jQuery and regular expressions. To stress the importance of hands-on application in learning a programming language, the authors also provide numerous examples of working code, as well as exercises involving modification of that code.

Key Features:
  • Addresses the knowledge units from the ACM/IEEE Computer Science Computing Curricula for introductory programming courses, and covers security and net-centric computing topics as recommended in the ACM revised report CC2008.
  • Provides a step-by-step introduction to programming in JavaScript.
  • Focuses on the basics and functionality of JavaScript and software engineering principles.
  • Provides a solid foundation in programming by stressing fundamentals early. This text takes full advantage of the expressive power of JavaScript's object literals and functions-as-values features to give students an early appreciation of the importance of data structures.
  • Includes self-contained, functionally complete case studies that illustrate and integrate key concepts while also providing concrete examples of the best practices described in the text.
Contains numerous exercises throughout for students to immediately test and apply their understanding of the material.

The exercises are chosen to represent recognizable applications and use cases from real-world web applications, while also exposing students to additional material that goes beyond what is provided in the chapter.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Programming with JavaScript: Algorithms and Applications for Desktop and Mobile Browsers" di John David N. Dionisio e Ray Toal, edito da Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 56,53.

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