domenica 8 gennaio 2012

iPod Touch Portable Genius

Contenuto del volume:

Tips, tricks, and shortcuts for getting the most out of Apple's iPod Touch. Packed with authoritative, no-nonsense advice for getting the most out of your iPod touch, this hip and sophisticated guide addresses the most used and desired features of this exciting device. The author covers the most essential skills, tools, and shortcuts you need to know in order to become savvy and confident for accomplishing any task necessary. Featuring a handy trim size, this guide goes where you go, offering accessible, useful information immediately at your fingertips.

You'll find the hottest tips coupled with savvy advice on everything from simple tasks like playing movies and music to more advanced topics such as getting the most out of the iPod touch's features and apps.
  • Shares sophisticated advice for getting the most from your iPod touch
  • Uncovers shortcuts, tips, and tricks on the hottest features of the iPod touch
  • Features a handy trim size that makes this essential resource extremely portable
  • Couples savvy advice with critical information on everything from playing movies and music to gaining confidence in uploading and using popular applications

This book offers you an abundance of useful tips and techniques for making the most of your iPod touch.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPod Touch Portable Genius" di Jesse D. Hollington e Paul McFedries, edito da John Wiley & Sons Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,61.

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