domenica 22 gennaio 2012

Talking to Siri: Learning the Language of Apple's Intelligent Assistant

Contenuto del volume:

With Siri, your spoken wishes are your iPhone's command. Debuting on the iPhone 4S, the voice-operated Siri assistant uses natural language processing to answer your questions, respond to your commands, and provide assistance, as you need it. With Siri, you can set up meetings, call your mom, ask about your appointments, check your email, find your friends, and a lot more.

Talking to Siri introduces you to Siri. This short, focused book teaches you how to use Siri from the ground up. You'll learn how to achieve the the highest recognition rate as you talk. You'll discover which categories Siri responds to and find out how to make the most of each category in your conversations. You'll discover practical how-to mixed with many examples to inspire as well as instruct.

Tutorials show you how to set up Siri in your preferences, and how to manage the interactive conversations you have with your voice assistant. You'll learn how to perform tasks by topic: such as checking the weather, doing math, or looking up information on the web.

You'll read about
  • Creating notes
  • Searching for contacts
  • Going shopping with Siri
  • Creating reminders and checking your calendar
  • Replying to text messages and sending mail to groups
  • Searching Wikipedia
  • Monitoring the Stock Market
  • Performing dictation
  • The lighter side of Siri
  • Siri security
and more...!

Ready to get started? Talking to Siri provides all the basics you'll need for talking to Siri, presented in a simple, easy-to follow handbook.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Talking to Siri: Learning the Language of Apple's Intelligent Assistant", 2 edizione, di Steve Sande e Erica Sadun, edito da Sand Dune Books, è in vendita anche su iBookstore al prezzo di Euro 3,99 (nella versione per iPhone, iPad o iPod touch con iBooks) oppure su al prezzo di Euro 3,88 (nella versione per Kindle).

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