sabato 16 marzo 2013

Information Technology: An Introduction for Today's Digital World

Information Technology: An Introduction for Today's Digital World
Contenuto del volume:

Information Technology: An Introduction for Today’s Digital World introduces undergraduate students to a wide variety of concepts they will encounter throughout their IT studies and careers. The book covers computer organization and hardware, Windows and Linux operating systems, system administration duties, scripting, computer networks, regular expressions, binary numbers, the Bash shell in Linux, DOS, managing processes and services, and computer security. It also gives students insight on IT-related careers, such as network and web administration, computer forensics, web development, and software engineering.

Suitable for any introductory IT course, this classroom-tested text presents many of the topics recommended by the ACM Special Interest Group on IT Education (SIGITE). It offers a far more detailed examination of the computer than current computer literacy texts, focusing on concepts essential to all IT professionals—from operating systems and hardware to information security and computer ethics. The book highlights Windows/DOS and Linux with numerous examples of issuing commands and controlling the operating systems. It also provides details on hardware, programming, and computer networks.

Ancillary Resources
The book includes laboratory exercises and some of the figures from the text online. PowerPoint lecture slides, answers to exercises, and a test bank are also available for instructors.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Information Technology: An Introduction for Today's Digital World" di Richard Fox, edito da CRC Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 55,90.

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