domenica 31 marzo 2013

The Web Designer's Idea Book, Volume 3: Inspiration from Today's Best Web Design Trends, Themes and Styles

The Web Designer's Idea Book, Volume 3: Inspiration from Today's Best Web Design Trends, Themes and Styles
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Quick Inspiration for Web Designers
Featuring more than 650 examples, this third volume of The Web Designer's Idea Book is packed with visual inspiration for creating top-notch web design. Web design expert Patrick McNeil, author of the popular Web Designer's Idea Book series, is back with the latest examples of the best design on the web today.

Arranged thematically, this guide puts important topics like technology, design styles, elements, site types and site structure at your fingertips. This new volume also includes a detailed discussion of the various content management systems available to help you find the best platform for your project.

An indispensable reference, this book provides you with the latest in themes, styles and trends you need to keep your projects relevant in the fast-paced and every-changing world of web design.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "The Web Designer's Idea Book, Volume 3: Inspiration from Today's Best Web Design Trends, Themes and Styles" di Patrick McNeil, edito da F&W Publications Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,46.

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