giovedì 28 marzo 2013

Microsoft Excel 2013 Simplified: Step-by-step Instructions for Easy Learning

Microsoft Excel 2013 Simplified: Step-by-step Instructions for Easy Learning
Contenuto del volume:

A friendly, visual approach to learning the basics of Excel 2013

As the world's leading spreadsheet program, Excel is a spreadsheet and data analysis tool that is part of the Microsoft Office suite. The new Excel 2013 includes new features and functionalities that require users of older versions to re-learn the application. However, whether you're switching from an earlier version or learning Excel for the first time, this easy-to-follow visual guide gets you going with Excel 2013 quickly and easily. Numbered steps as well as full-color screen shots, concise information, and helpful tips, all contribute to a clear, comfortable learning experience.
  • Covers Excel basics, workbook fundamentals, formatting worksheets and enhancing them with graphics, analyzing data, communicating results with charts and PivotTables, and much more
  • Walks you through using Flash Fill, representing your data in a variety of ways, and maximizing a more interactive interface
  • Demonstrates how to share workbooks, collaborate with others, and embed portions of your spreadsheets on social network pages

Excel 2013 Simplified is a quick and easy way to get up to speed on Excel 2013 for both novice users and those upgrading from an earlier version.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Excel 2013 Simplified: Step-by-step Instructions for Easy Learning" di Paul McFedries, edito da Visual, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 22,19 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 14,42.

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