giovedì 14 marzo 2013

The Ultimate Guide to the iPhone 4/4S/5

The Ultimate Guide to the iPhone 4/4S/5
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Welcome to the iPhone guide!

In this guide, I will show you different tips, tricks, hints, and everything else you need to master your iPhone (4,4S, or 5). I will also show you different apps you can get that are needed to make your life easier! I guarantee you no matter how well you think you know the iPhone; you will learn something new in this book!

Table of Contents
  1. Why the iPhone?
  2. iPhone Earphones
  3. iPhone Battery
  4. Maps/GPS
  5. Mail
  6. Camera/Photos
  7. Safari/Internet
  8. Music/ringtones/sounds
  9. Texting/Calling
  10. SIRI
  11. +MORE TIPS

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "The Ultimate Guide to the iPhone 4/4S/5" di Yeehaw INC è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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