lunedì 18 marzo 2013

Windows 8 & RT for the Older Generation

Windows 8 & RT for the Older Generation
Contenuto del volume:

Especially written for the 'Older Generation' who may have little or no knowledge of using a comput-er. This book is written in plain English and avoids technical jargon wherever possible. It covers the essentials of Windows 8, 8 Pro and RT.

Windows 8 and 8 Pro are the latest versions of Microsoft's operating system for Laptops, Desktops and Tablets that use an X86 processor. The RT version is a new development for Tablets that use an ARM processor.

As the essential basic operating features of all versions of Windows 8 and RT are similar, the main body of the text will be applicable to all. However, where a particular version has unique features they will be dealt with in the last chapter.

The contents are as follows:
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Navigating Windows 8
  • Chapter 3: Personalizing Windows 8
  • Chapter 4: Ease of Access
  • Chapter 5: Getting Connected Glossary of Terms
  • Chapter 6: Using the Internet
  • Chapter 7: Electronic Mail
  • Chapter 8: Social Networking
  • Chapter 9: Differences: Windows 8 & RT

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Windows 8 & RT for the Older Generation" di Jim Gatenby, edito da Bernard Babani Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 9,03.

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