domenica 20 aprile 2014

Computers R4U2 Book 1: The Basic User: Simple, yet comprehensive, graphic step by step clean-up and protection procedures

Computers R4U2 Book 1: The Basic User: Simple, yet comprehensive, graphic step by step clean-up and protection procedures
Contenuto dell'eBook:

An easy to follow self help book for the basic computer user. This book will teach you how to set up a new Windows 8 computer.

How to install and use protection and cleaning software. How to maintain your user data security. How and where to surf the internet safely. Which browsers are the best to use and how to set them up.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Computers R4U2 Book 1: The Basic User: Simple, yet comprehensive, graphic step by step clean-up and protection procedures" di Edward Henheffer è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 7,39.

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