sabato 12 aprile 2014

Microsoft Word 2013 for Law Firms

Microsoft Word 2013 for Law Firms
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Focusing only on those features of Microsoft Word 2013 that are relevant to the legal community, this updated edition of the Payne Group’s market-leading guide to Word provides industry-specific information about the computer program that will help legal professionals operate effectively and efficiently in their environment.

A companion website also includes customized legal templates and documents, hands-on exercises, and practice files, among many other services.

Whether they are using Word for the first time or simply updating to the most recent version, readers will find all of the information they’ll need to increase their productivity and make the most out of Microsoft’s word processing program in this expert manual.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Microsoft Word 2013 for Law Firms" di The Payne Group, edito da Luminis Books, Inc., è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 20,52 e come libro tradizionale su al prezzo di Euro 25,62.

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