domenica 27 aprile 2014

How to secure Xp: Why lose Xp when we will teach you how to secure Xp. Video's included

How to secure Xp: Why lose Xp when we will teach you how to secure Xp. Video's included
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Don't be forced into Windows 8 or Windows 7! This is a step by step ebook with step by step video's on how to properly secure Xp even after Microsoft's support ended.

We teach you how to easily secure Xp, we provide you with free software, free technical support, free remote support, and this book can be used for any version of Windows.

This book is simple to follow, and the author Mark Simmons is right with you in case you run into any problems or just want to ask him a question.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How to secure Xp: Why lose Xp when we will teach you how to secure Xp. Video's included" di Mark Simmons, edito da JNM PC EXPERTS, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 14,91.

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