domenica 20 aprile 2014


Contenuto dell'eBook:


What you should know

  1. Warning
  2. Introduction
  3. The Common Misconceptions and the errors to avoid
  4. Abandon your bad practices
  5. Learn the good practices
  6. Strengthened security
  7. Internet: Secure your purchases, cryptography and absolute security
  8. The social networks: intrusions, risks and good practices
  9. Passwords : Tips and Tricks
  10. Risks and abuses
  11. Conclusion

All that you MUST know about the SECURITY and the modern numeric tools to protect yourselves, you and your childs.

Internet, Social Networks, Numeric Novelties of Google, Samsung and Apple, last research in order to secure the web

How does Microsoft increase security with last new Windows 8.1

You must know that every minute is taking advantage by the computer pirates.

Their objective : the profit

Their prey : YOU, your possessions, your safety, your childs

Their major trump card : your innocence, your ignorance and your underestimate of the danger

Their force : their perfect knowledge of the systems and their faults

Their methods are insidious, furtive, creative and invisible

You'll learn how to create a STRONG PASSWORD but EASY TO REMEMBER

You will learn :
  • How to avoid the traps of the net and to put those that you love shielded from the “tramps of the numeric technology”
  • The necessity of educating your children and of supervising them in their learning of the digital tools
  • How to complicate the task of those who try to damage you and to spirit away you your sensitive data
  • To think « Security » as soon as a new digital tool is proposed to you
  • How to thwart the psychological manipulations which would lead you to your losse

You will understand the necessity of adaptation in front of this world in exponential evolution and you will have keys to reach there.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "IT SECURITY: What you SHOULD know" di Olivier Gennevallée è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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