venerdì 25 aprile 2014

Evernote: Mastering Evernote To Get Things Done Quickly And Effectively!

Evernote: Mastering Evernote To Get Things Done Quickly And Effectively!
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Are You looking to learn more about evernote?...Well if you are then this is the book for you!

Evernote was designed to help the world remember everything, communicate effectively and get things done. From saving thoughts and ideas to preserving experiences to working efficiently with others Evernote’s collection of apps make it easy to stay organized and productive.

Mastering Evernote is a not a manual, it’s a guidebook for the practical application of Evernote into every corner of your life. Whether you are...
  • A student struggling with reams of lecture notes, references, and recordings of talks
  • A journalist who needs to compile ideas, log interviews, and communicate on the move
  • A busy individual who wants to keep and share photos, store business cards and notes

“Evernote is your new, virtual filing cabinet.” Mastering Evernote will show you how to navigate and enhance your experience of this wonderful tool in just two hours.

Discover the tool that will change the way you remember things forever.

What's included in Mastering Evernote?
  • Amazing and creative ways to use Evernote to its fullest illustrations for understanding the inner workings of Evernote
  • How to use both the web, Desktop, and Mobile version of the Evernote application
  • And Much Much More!

You deserve the best and it gets no better than "Evernote: Mastering Evernote To get things done Quickly And effectively!"

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Evernote: Mastering Evernote To Get Things Done Quickly And Effectively!" di Mary Masterson è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 0,89.

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