With over 200 brand new features, Apple's leading photo management and image processing package just got a whole lot bigger! From Faces to Places and Brushes to Presets, Mac experts Ken McMahon and Nik Rawlinson will guide you through everything you could ever need to know about Aperture 3 including how to: find, tag, and protect your images with advanced metadata techniques; use Presets, Nondestructive brushes and the powerful new Curves tool to dramatically enhance your photos; and, seamlessly integrate Aperture 3 with other programs for incredible results.
Apple Aperture 3 - A Workflow Guide for Digital Photographers shows you how to put this powerful software right at the heart of your digital photography workflow. Inside you will find information on how to import, sort and navigate thousands of Raw files like a pro; how to fully utilize the new rush-based adjustments and quick fix adjustment presets to creatively edit your images; and, how to export your images to slideshows, the Web, or even create your own coffee table style photobook. Clear, step-by-step explanations simplify the features and uses of this extensive application. Real-life examples show you a complete digital photography workflow with Aperture at the core. It is fully updated for Aperture 3.
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Apple Aperture 3" di Ken McMahon e Nik Rawlinson, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su IBS.it al prezzo di Euro 25,28 e come eBook in formato Kindle su Amazon.it al prezzo di Euro 19,90
e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad al prezzo di Euro 24,99.
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