domenica 4 luglio 2010

Brilliant Office 2010

Contenuto del volume:

Everything you need to know to get the most out of Microsoft Office 2010
Brilliant Microsoft Office 2010 guides you through the essential Office functions, step-by-steps, showing you how to:
  • Make Microsoft Office 2010 work for you and customise it to suit your needs
  • Get the most out of all Office applications
  • Create great-looking documents faster in Word using themes, styles and templates
  • Use organizing, processing and presenting tools to create data in Excel
  • Create powerful presentations faster in PowerPoint using ready-made design templates and themes
  • Use tools for creating and managing your email, calendar, contacts and tasks in Outlook
Brilliant books provide quick and easy-to-access information. Features include:
  • Numbered step-by-step tasks
  • Visual screenshots
  • Expert tips, tricks and advice
  • Troubleshooting guide
  • Jargon buster
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Brilliant Office 2010" di Steve Johnson, edito da Pearson Education Limited, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 19,20.

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