giovedì 29 luglio 2010

Excel Programming: Your visual blueprint for creating interactive spreadsheets, 3rd Edition

Contenuto del volume:

A great guide to Excel programming that is perfect for visual learners and takes you beyond Excel basics!

This book is the perfect reference for Excel users who want to delve deeper into the application to create powerful and dynamic programs. From creating macros to customizing dialog boxes, this step-by-step guide helps you get more out of Excel than you knew was possible. Each step has callouts so you can see exactly where the action takes place and this Web site offers tons of usable code and sample macros that you can put to use instantly.
  • Explains step-by-step how to automate Excel, the world's leading spreadsheet application from Microsoft
  • Covers most tasks in two-page spreads -- no flipping back and forth required!
  • Teaches you over 130 tasks, including how to record macros, program in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), debug code, automate charts, interface with other macros, automate functions -- all in an easy-to-follow visual format
  • Uses clear, step-by-step, numbered instruction and lots of graphics and screenshots -- perfect for visual learners!
  • Helps you maximize your productivity with practical examples, tips, and advice
Harness everything that Excel has to offer with this friendly, practical, visual guide.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Excel Programming: Your visual blueprint for creating interactive spreadsheets, 3rd Edition" di Denise Etheridge, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,08.

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