domenica 11 luglio 2010

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Best Practices

Contenuto del volume:

Apply best practices for administering your Exchange Server 2010-based messaging systems-and optimize your operational efficiency and reach. This guide captures the field-tested solutions, real-world lessons, and candid advice of practitioners across the range of business and technical scenarios-and across the IT life cycle.

Gain expert insights on what works, where to make tradeoffs, and how to implement the best decisions for your organization. Topics include designing your environment, planning and deploying Exchange Server 2010, content and web management, monitoring and tuning performance, disaster recovery, and other critical topics. Written by leading Exchange Server experts in cooperation with the Exchange Server team at Microsoft, this book shares the inside track on what works best.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Best Practices" di Joel Stidley, Siegfried Jagott, edito da Microsoft Press,U.S., è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 40,17.

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