domenica 4 luglio 2010

Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft Word 2010

Contenuto del volume:

PICTURE YOURSELF LEARNING MICROSOFT WORD 2010 is a guide to the features available to Microsoft Word, one of the major products included with Microsoft Office. Step-by-step instructions as well as lots of visual guides help the easily reader learn the software. Readers of PICTURE YOURSELF LEARNING MICROSOFT WORD 2010 will learn the latest version of Microsoft Word by following along with a four-color, visual format, developing the skills needed to complete a multitude of tasks, such as formatting a document, using mail merge, working with tables, and much more.

Indice: PART I JUST THE BASICS. 1. Getting Started. 2. Creating a Word Document. 3. Making a Word Document Look Good. 4. Managing Word Page Layouts. 5. Printing and Publishing. PART II LONGER DOCUMENTS. 6. Document Views. 7. Adding Additional Elements. 8. Working with Outlines. 9. Creating Forms Letters. 10. Printing Envelopes and Labels. ART III WORD COLUMNS AND TABLES. 11. Working with Columns. 12. Working with Tables. 13. Working with Graphics. PART IV WORD TOOLS. 14. Employing Tools for Quality. 15. Applying Tools for Speed. 16. Keeping Documents Secure. 17. Collaborating With Others. 18. Customizing Word.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft Word 2010" di Diane Koers, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc., è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 17,82.

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