domenica 4 luglio 2010

Microsoft Project 2010: The Missing Manual

Contenuto del volume:

Schedules, budgets, communications, resources - projects big and small include them all, and Microsoft Project 2010 can help you control these variables and not be controlled by them. But Project is complex software, and learning it is, well, a project in itself. Get up to speed fast with Microsoft Project 2010: The Missing Manual. Written by project management expert Bonnie Biafore, this book teaches you how to do everything from setting budgets and tracking schedules to testing scenarios and recognizing trouble spots before your project breaks down. Find out what's new in Project 2010 and get help choosing the edition that's right for you, whether it's 'Project Standard', 'Project Professional', or 'Enterprise Project Management Solution'.

With Microsoft Project 2010: The Missing Manual, you get more than a simple software how-to. You also get a rundown on project management basics and plenty of solid advice on how to use Project to: define your project and plan your approach; estimate your project, set up a budget, define tasks, and break the work into manageable chunks; create a schedule, define the sequence of work, and learn the right way to use date constraints and deadlines; build a project team and assign resources to tasks: 'who does what'; get the results you want by building schedules based on reality, and learn how to keep project costs under control; track progress and communicate with team members via reports, information sharing, and effective meetings; and, close out your project and take away valuable lessons you can apply to your future projects. Microsoft Project 2010 is the flagship of all project management programs, and this Missing Manual is the book that should have been in the box. No project manager should be without it.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Project 2010: The Missing Manual" di Bonnie Biafore, edito da O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 26,78.

Visita la pagina di Microsoft Project 2010 su Microsoft Store

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