sabato 17 luglio 2010

PCs All-in-One for Dummies

Contenuto del volume:

This is one-stop shopping for everything you need to know about PCs! If you're a PC owner, you have a pretty good idea of just how much there is to discover about your PC, whether you use it for work or play. Comprised of eight minibooks, this All-in-One guide covers essential PC topics from soup through nuts, including the latest updates to PC hardware, Windows 7, the Internet, Office 2010, digital media, upgrading and troubleshooting, social media, and home networking. This new edition features expanded coverage of using popular social media such as Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, and blogging. Plus, you'll walk through the new Windows 7 operating system and explore revisions for each of the Office 2010 applications.

This title provides PCs users of all levels of experience with a series of eight minibooks that include the most up-to-date coverage of PC hardware, Windows 7, the Internet, Office 2010, digital media, upgrading and troubleshooting, social media, and home networking. It explores step-by-step procedures for using the new Windows 7 operating system. It discusses updates to each of the Office 2010 applications, the latest features of version 8 of Internet Explorer, and new information on the latest PC hardware. It reviews ways to protect your PC from viruses, troubleshooting tips, and upgrading and supercharging your PC. PCs All-in-One For Dummies covers everything you need to know in order to get acquainted with your PC.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "PCs All-in-One for Dummies" 5 Rev ed. di Mark L. Chambers, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 23,43.

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