domenica 18 luglio 2010

PowerPoint 2010 for Dummies

Contenuto del volume:

Start creating dynamite presentations with PowerPoint 2010. PowerPoint, the number one presentation software, has been revised and improved with the introduction of Microsoft Office 2010. More than 120 million people are using PowerPoint to create business and educational presentations worldwide. Both new and veteran PowerPoint users will improve their skills with the fun and friendly advice in PowerPoint 2010 For Dummies.

Bestselling author Doug Lowe makes it easy to grasp the new features and shows you how to create presentations with pizzazz. * PowerPoint is used in more than 60 countries to create visual presentations for business and educational settings * The newest revision to PowerPoint adds new features, an online version of the software, and improved audiovisual and video editing capabilities * This easy-to-follow guide explains how to create and edit slides, import data from other applications, and add charts, clip art, sound, and video * Also covers working with hyperlinks, creating Web pages with PowerPoint, video editing, and collaboration via online access PowerPoint 2010 For Dummies helps you take full advantage of the enhancements in the new version, so you can create more effective and impressive presentations.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "PowerPoint 2010 for Dummies" di Doug Lowe, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,73.

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