giovedì 15 luglio 2010

Teach Yourself Visually iPad

Contenuto del volume:

An ideal, visual guide for the image-driven iPad Whether your interests veer towards movies, games, books, or music-the iPad is the computing device for dazzling graphics, crisp and clear audio, and effortless portability. If ever there existed a device that demanded a reading companion for the visual learner, it's the iPad-and this resource is perfectly suited for the visual audience. Veteran VISUAL author Lonzell Watson walks you through all the features unique to the iPad and shows you how to download books, apps, music, and video content, as well as send photos and e-mails.

Plus, you'll discover how to sync the iPad with other Apple devices in order to provide you with the ultimate user experience. * Provides you with the ultimate visual learning guide for the ultimate visual computing device: the Apple iPad * Demonstrates how to get the most from the iPad's unparalleled ability to offer amazing graphics, crisp audio, and light-weight portability * Addresses the iPad's ability to work with all 140,000+ applications in Apple's acclaimed App Store * Walks you through downloading books, applications, music, and videos; sending photos and e-mails; and using the multi-touch display feature Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPad is the only visual resource you need for learning the exciting features that will make you mad for the iPad!

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Teach Yourself Visually iPad" di Lonzell Watson, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,08.

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