giovedì 6 ottobre 2011

Easy Mac OS X Lion

Contenuto del volume:

Easy Que Title is the perfect companion for everyone who's bought a new Macintosh with OS X pre-installed...every Mac user who's upgrading to the newest version of OS X...and the many new Mac users who've just switched from Windows.

This full-color, utterly simple, step-by-step book has been carefully crafted to provide instant access to the tasks beginner-to-intermediate users need to master. Like all books in the Easy series, it's designed to teach visually: you never have to work your way through lengthy text explanations. Here's just some of what you will learn how to do...
  • Get on the Internet and make the most of the Mac's great web and communication tools
  • Install and use applications, printers, and scanners
  • Use OS X's powerful iLife media tools
  • Customize their Macs
  • Create home networks and share their Macs with multiple users
  • Organize their files, folders, disks - and their lives
  • Keep their Macs running reliably

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Easy Mac OS X Lion", 2 Rev ed., di Kate Binder, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 18,28.

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