domenica 16 ottobre 2011

My New iPad 2: A User's Guide

Contenuto del volume:

The iPad 2 is cute. It's loveable. It's fun to play with. But it can also be a bit mysterious. My New iPad 2 is your guide to getting the most from Apple's latest magical creation.

Best-selling author Wallace Wang's patient, step-by-step instructions will have you using your new iPad to:
  • Find your way using the Maps app and the iPad's compass
  • Get organized with the Notes, Calendar, and Contacts apps
  • Set up your email accounts and browse the Web
  • Listen to music, read ebooks, and take videos and photos
  • Use FaceTime to talk face-to-face with distant friends and relatives
  • Shop on iTunes and the App Store for the best new music, apps, movies, games, and books
  • Set parental controls, use a secret passcode, and encrypt your backups for maximum privacy

And so much more. You'll even learn top-secret touch gestures to help make the most of your iPad. Discover the hundreds of amazing things your iPad can do with My New iPad 2.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "My New iPad 2: A User's Guide", 3 New ed., di Wallace Wang, edito da No Starch Press, US, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 19,99.

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