sabato 15 ottobre 2011

Taking Your Mac OS X Lion to the Max

Contenuto del volume:

The Mac has come a long way, and OS X Lion is the best version yet of Apple's desktop and laptop operating system. Stable, powerful, and versatile, the Mac allows you to do everyday tasks with ease.

Taking Your OS X Lion to the Max walks you through the awesome features and apps standard on the Mac and the new OS X 10.7 Lion to help you become a true power user. You'll discover keyboard shortcuts and gestures to help save time - whether you're on a iMac, Mac mini, Macbook Pro, Air, or other Mac computer.
In terms of apps, you'll learn about iLife, iCal, Mail, Mac App Store, Safari, Address Book and more. You'll see how to use amazing built-in applications like Time Machine, Photo Booth, and Front Row. Also, you'll learn how connect to your other Apple devices like iPhone or iPad, Apple TV and more. You'll sync, work and play remotely, file and screen share, make your Mac secure, or even make your Mac a Windows PC.

After reading this book, you will be able to fully leverage your Mac and the new OS X. And, have some fun, too!

What you'll learn
  • Fully leverage the newest OS X desktop operating system
  • Features and apps that are standard to OS X
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Gestures that help you save time
  • Use built in OS X apps like Time Machine, Photo Booth and Front Row
  • Download and fully utilize the Mac App Store
  • Configure and network your Mac
  • Connect to your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and more

Who this book is for
This book is for those who want or need to take full advantage of all of the features of their Mac - whether it's a desktop or laptop.

Table of Contents
  • Finder Basics
  • File Management
  • Mac App Store
  • Managing Your Data: AutoSave and Versions
  • Controlling your Mac
  • Controlling your Mac: Mission Control, Dashboard
  • Built-in-apps: Mail
  • Built-in-apps: iCal and Address Book
  • Browsing the Web with Safari
  • Communicating in Real-Time with iChat and FaceTime
  • System Preferences
  • Lion Server

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Taking Your Mac OS X Lion to the Max" di Dave Caolo, Michael Grothaus e Steve Sande, edito da APress, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 19,93.

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