domenica 9 ottobre 2011

How to Do Everything Mac OS X Lion Edition

Contenuto del volume:

The new edition of this bestselling Mac guide covers the important features of Apple's major new operating system upgrade--Mac OS X Lion. How to Do Everything Mac OS X Lion Edition covers all the important new features of the extensive upgrade to the Mac operating system. With Mac OS X Lion, Apple will for the first time apply some of the best features of the iPhone and iPad to the Mac. This hands-on guide covers all the new features, including Launchpad, Mission Control, and multitouch technology. You'll learn how to customize your desktop, use email and Web applications, add hardware and software, manage photos, download apps, music, and movies, back up and secure your system, and much more.

How to Do Everything Mac OS X Lion Edition features:
  • Detailed tutorials for the Mac computing environment written by an expert at teaching new users
  • Thorough coverage of Mac OS X Lion, the latest versions of iLife and iWork, and all the built-in applications, widgets, communications, and multimedia software
  • Essential information on security, troubleshooting, and maintenance to help you keep your Mac running safely and smoothly
  • Updated coverage of OS features and applications, including the new LaunchPad, Mission Control, multi-touch, and more
  • Instructions on working with Windows on a Mac and in a mixed-networking environment with PCs

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "How to Do Everything Mac OS X Lion Edition" di Dwight Spivey, edito da McGraw-Hill Education - Europe, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,61.

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