lunedì 31 ottobre 2011

The Little Mac Book, Lion Edition

Contenuto del volume:

Adopting a back-to-the-basics approach, this bestselling little Mac classic has been revised and overhauled to introduce users to OS X Lion. In the gentle, friendly, funny style that generations of computer users have come to know and love, author Robin Williams shows readers how to dive in and start working with the Mac and OS X Lion.

This full-color little book walks readers through all of the key new features including Multi-Touch Gestures, Launchpad, Mission Control, the App Store, Mail, and much more. Using straightforward, jargon-free explanations delivered in logical, easy-to-follow sections, Robin is a new user's personal guide, coaching and encouraging readers as they learn their way around the magic of the Mac and OS X Lion.

  1. A Map of Your Mac
  2. The Mouse or Trackpad
  3. The Dock
  4. Finder Windows
  5. Menus & Shortcuts
  6. Use an Application
  7. Save & Print
  8. Close, Quit & Trash
  9. Get Connected
  10. Surf the Web
  11. Let's do Email
  12. Other Useful Features Index

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "The Little Mac Book, Lion Edition" di Robin Williams, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 13,14.

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