venerdì 14 ottobre 2011

Learn Mac OS X Lion

Contenuto del volume:

You're smart and savvy, but you're also busy. This comprehensive guide to Apple's latest version of OS X, Lion, gives you everything you need to know to live a happy, productive Mac life. Learn OS X Lion will have you up and connected right away. With a minimum of overhead and a maximum of useful information, you'll cover a lot of ground in the time it takes other books to get you plugged in.

If this isn't your first experience with OS X, skip right to the What's New in Lion sections. You may also find yourself using this book as a quick refresher course or a way to learn new Mac skills you've never tried before.

What you'll learn
  • Lion's new features and how to put them to work
  • How to work with documents
  • Managing email with Mail
  • How to enhance your life with iLife
  • Customizing your Lion environment
  • How to get things done at the command line

Who this book is for New Mac users, existing Mac users upgrading from older versions of OS X, and PC users making the switch to Macs. These people share a common desire to learn stuff fast and keep learning! Because this book goes into greater depth than your average OS X guide, it is also excellent for small business owners, user support personnel, and system administrators.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Learn Mac OS X Lion", 2 New ed., di Mike Lee e Scott Meyers, edito da APress, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 26,57.

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