domenica 1 gennaio 2012

A Simple Guide to iPhone 4S

Contenuto del volume:

Simple Guides give you Just the Facts Get up to speed on the new iPhone 4S-fast! Simple Guides: get you started quickly.No extra clutter, no extra reading. Learn how to set up your iPhone 4S, customize your screens and ring tones, take pix and videos, then download and use all the coolest apps.

Find out all the hidden secret uses of iPhone 4S all your friends can only dream of using. Learn the nuances of using Siri on iPhone 4S to maximize your business and personal time. Get started with iPhone 4S basics such as voice mail, text, and GPS without all the hassle. And don't waste any more time with apps and features you don't really care to use-set up your iPhone 4S the way you want, and start having fun!

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "A Simple Guide to iPhone 4S" di Mary Lett, edito da Luminis Books, Inc., è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 7,97.

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