lunedì 13 febbraio 2012

Excel Outside the Box

Contenuto del volume:

Designed with the Excel guru in mind, this handbook introduces advanced and creative solutions, and hacks for the software's most challenging problems. Through a series of more than 50 techniques, tables, formulas, and charts, this guide details processes that may be used in any Excel application and across all disciplines.

Creative approaches for building formulas within formulas, pivot tables, conditional formatting, and mastering array formulas are just some of the numerous challenges explained. Other higher level solutions discussed include using VBA macro code to override cell calculations, solve for sums from a text string, and trimming and cleaning all cells on a worksheet.

This is the all-encompassing resource for advanced users of Excel wanting to learn more techniques to broaden and empower their use of Excel.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Excel Outside the Box" di Bob Umlas, edito da Holy Macro! Books, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,58.


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