domenica 3 marzo 2013

28 Essential iPad Apps for MBA Students

28 Essential iPad Apps for MBA Students
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This short book represents many, many hours of research (and buying both good and bad apps) into which business apps work and which do not when attempting to keep the busy MBA student on track. If you are currently pursuing an MBA, or plan on pursuing one in the future, this book will put you ahead of the curve with regards to finding out what apps will contribute to the pursuit of your MBA.
  • Which note taking app will allow me to have my notes with me on my smartphone, my tablet and my PC?
  • Why do I need a PDF markup application and which one should I choose?
  • Is there a free screen sharing application that my team can use?
  • Which app will help refresh my memory about those statistics formulas that I can never remember?

Don't waste your valuable time seeking out and evaluating the best apps to use during your MBA. It's all right here!

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "28 Essential iPad Apps for MBA Students" di Lee Reed è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,70.

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