mercoledì 31 luglio 2013

InDesign Ebook Conversions. Covering versions CS5.5, CS6, and CC

InDesign Ebook Conversions. Covering versions CS5.5, CS6, and CC
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Your book is ready to print

How do I produce my ebooks?
If you had enough sense to fully format your book in InDesign, the answer "easily, though not simply". The largest problem most graphic designers have is that this whole "ebook thing" is a confusing mishmash of options and possibilities.
This book will make sense of the mess and enable you toproduce professional ebooks quickly and efficiently. In fact, using InDesign is the best start you could have for your ebook production.

You’re going to sell more ebooks, so it's important!

You will learn how to set up downloadable PDF, ePUB, & Kindle versions of your book. It's an essential skill now in the second decade of the new millennium.
David has been a graphic designer since the very early 1970s. He began teaching online in 1996. By 2002 he was selling ebooks, beginning with downloadable PDFs. Now that he is publishing full-time, all of his books have print, PDF, ePUB, and Kindle versions. He does all his work in InDesign and has done so since 1999.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "InDesign Ebook Conversions. Covering versions CS5.5, CS6, and CC", Second Edition, di David Bergsland, edito da Radiqx Press, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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