venerdì 26 settembre 2014

101 Unusual Tech Tricks: a handy guide to geeks

101 Unusual Tech Tricks: a handy guide to geeks
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Our Computer and Internet are getting Powerful - but how many of us know the ways to get the most out of them? 101 Unusual Tech Tricks: Contains 101 unusual and unknown tips and tricks for you to stretch the limit of Computers, Social Networks, Video Sites, Browser, and everything on Internet.

East-to-use examples and step by step implementation of tricks with plenty of Screenshots.
Using the tricks and tweaks discussed in this book, you will be able to completely customize everything about the look, feel, feature and functionality of Windows, social websites, Browsers and Internet.

Want to change the look and feel of everything in windows? Want to add more zing to your computer? Want to increase the speed of your computer? Want to Block inappropriate websites from your kids? Want to hide files inside photographs? Want to send email in the future? Want to know who unfriend you on Facebook? Want to unlock some hidden features of Windows, VLC Media Player, Facebook, YouTube, Gmail and Chrome? Then this book is for you.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "101 Unusual Tech Tricks: a handy guide to geeks" di Abhishek Raj è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,68.

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