lunedì 29 settembre 2014

Beginners iOS 8 (Computer Training)

Beginners iOS 8 (Computer Training)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

iOS 8 is the latest release of Apple's mobile operating system and run on some cool little devices, and are widely used by both beginners and experienced users.

This book explores: New features of iOS 8 - Setting up your iPad/iPhone - Setting up and connecting to WiFi - Setting yourself up with icloud and Apple IDs - A tour of the interface, icons and menus - Mastering multi touch gestures - Organising your favorite photos - Buying, organising and listening to music - Using maps to get directions - Browsing the internet with confidence and safety - Chatting to friends with FaceTime - Getting your work done on the move with iWork for iPad - and more...

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Beginners iOS 8 (Computer Training)" di Kevin Wilson, edito da Luminescent Media, è in vendita su iBookstore per iPad e Mac al prezzo di Euro 3,49.

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