lunedì 29 settembre 2014

How To Clean Your Laptop: To Prevent Overheating; Do It Yourself Guide for All to Use

How To Clean Your Laptop: To Prevent Overheating; Do It Yourself Guide for All to Use
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"All laptop and notebook computers will at some point need to be cleaned. This will prevent overheating and will prevent future component failure. Thermal damage is the number one reason that laptops fail and break down.

I will start by discussing how to disassemble your laptop (this will show you how to disassemble any laptop). I will show you the tools and supplies needed for a proper cleaning. Then, once your laptop is apart, I will instruct you how to properly clean all internal components bringing your laptop back to “like new” condition and back to running “cool”.

These instructions are for everyone to use, you don’t have to be technically inclined to clean your laptop. I will walk you through the whole process to ensure you have done a precise and professional job." (Garry Romaneo)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "How To Clean Your Laptop: To Prevent Overheating; Do It Yourself Guide for All to Use " di Garry Romaneo è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 20,06.

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