domenica 21 settembre 2014

InDesign CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2014 Release)

InDesign CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2014 Release)
Contenuto del volume:

InDesign CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2014 release) is your complete guide to the core functions of InDesign as well as all the important new features. New to this edition is coverage of the greatly expanded ebook export capabilities, including Fixed Layout EPUB.

With the growth in digital publishing, these new functions will empower designers to create more compelling digital documents than ever before. Other landmark new features in the 2014 release of InDesign CC include: the ability to reformat tables by dragging and dropping; integration with the hot portfolio site, Behance, and improvements to footnotes.

Using the task-based, visual approach that is the trademark of the Visual QuickStart Guides readers will learn not only how to create documents, but also to use automation to streamline the process, as well as importing and styling text and objects, managing long documents, exporting files for a wide variety of purposes, and much more.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "InDesign CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2014 Release)" di Sandee Cohen, edito da Peachpit Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 33,87.

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