giovedì 25 settembre 2014

Microsoft WORD and EXCEL 2013/365 Pocket Primer

Microsoft WORD and EXCEL 2013/365 Pocket Primer
Contenuto dell'eBook:

As part of the new Pocket Primer series, this book provides an overview of the major concepts and tutorial videos to use Microsoft Word 2013 and Excel 2013. The focus of this book is on using these two software packages and includes instruction for both Windows and Macintosh. The companion DVD disc includes tutorial videos, all of the files needed to complete chapter exercises within the text, text images, and selected solutions [DVD files are available from the publisher with Amazon proof of purchase at]

  • Companion disc includes tutorial videos, all of the files needed to complete chapter exercises within the text, text images, and selected solutions [DVD files are available from the publisher with Amazon proof of purchase at]
  • Provides an overview of the most important Word and Excel techniques in one volume
  • Contains Word and Excel graphics and animation effects
  • Covers Windows and MAC operating systems

1. Review of Basic Computing. 2. Microsoft One Drive and Cloud Computing. 3. Introduction to Microsoft Word and Word Processing. 4. Developing and Editing Documents. 5. Incorporating Media Elements. 6. Advanced Features of Word Processing. 7. Introduction to Microsoft Excel and Spreadsheet Software. 8. Developing Worksheets and Graphic Representations. 9. Advanced Features of Spreadsheet Software.

On the DVD!
  • Video Tutorials
  • Project files from the text
  • All images from the text (including 4-color)
  • Selected Solutions

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Microsoft WORD and EXCEL 2013/365 Pocket Primer" di Theodor Richardson, edito da Mercury Learning and Information, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 16,02.

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