domenica 28 settembre 2014

Introduction to AutoCAD 2015: A Modern Perspective

Introduction to AutoCAD 2015: A Modern Perspective
Contenuto del volume:

This book addresses advances in technology and introduces students to 2-dimensional drawing skills and commands using the current release of AutoCAD. It continuously builds on concepts covered in previous chapters, contains exercises combined with in-text notes, and offers examples that provide the how and why of AutoCAD fundamentals. Projects are included at the end of each chapter and provide hands-on experience creating various types of mechanical, architectural, civil and electrical drawings. This text is appropriate for Introductory and Intermediate AutoCAD courses.

Features: AutoCAD's 2-D tools-are presented from the basic concepts to the most powerful tools used in design and engineering. * Presents material (in seven parts) that advances with complexity. * Introduces AutoCAD, drafting skills, editing techniques, working with complex objects, annotating drawings, outputting your work, and advanced drawing and construction methods. Advanced drawing and construction methods-appear after teaching the tools used in design and engineering. * Explains blocks and block attributes, working with external references, and file management and object linking and embedding.

A Quick Start chapter-appears early in the text (see Chapter 2). * Allows students to get up to speed in no time to create and even plot AutoCAD drawings. * References corresponding chapters later in the book, allowing readers to delve into topics at their own pace and level.

Chapter Objectives-provide a bulleted list of key concepts for each chapter. * Provides students with a roadmap of important concepts and practices that will be introduced in the chapter. Key Terms-highlight important vocabulary throughout. * Defines key terms in the margins and in more detail in the Glossary at the end of the book. Command Grids-appear in the margin alongside the discussion of the command. * Presents a visual of the action options using either: Standard Toolbar, Pull-Down Menu, Command Line, or Command Alias, ensuring that students are in the right place at the right time, correctly following the authors' direction. Discipline Icons-identify whether the project applies to a General, Mechanical, Architectural, Electrical, Plumbing/HVAC, or Civil field. * Enables instructors to quickly select homework assignments that will appeal to the varying interests of their students. * Allows students to work on projects that have the most interest and relevance to their own course of study.

Icon Flags-highlight features that are new to the latest version of the AutoCAD software. * Creates a quick study guide for instructors and students who need to familiarize themselves with the newest features of the software. Tips, Notes, and For More Details Boxes-appear throughout the text. * Highlights additional information for students. In-text exercises-appear throughout the chapters. * Provides students with step-by-step walk-through activities. * Gives students immediate practice and reinforcement of newly learned skills. Chapter projects organized by discipline-provide additional challenges that require students to use all the commands and skills they have learned. Offers projects from a variety of disciplines including mechanical, architectural, electrical, civil.

Profesional Features: Chock full of hands-on exercises, this book addresses advances in technology and introduces students to 2-dimensional drawing skills and commands using the current release of AutoCAD 2015. * Introduces AutoCAD, drafting skills, editing techniques, working with complex objects, annotating drawings, outputting your work, and advanced drawing and construction methods. * Pedagogy reinforces learning objectives throughout-with chapter objectives; key term definitions; command grids concisely offer multiple ways of achieving task at hand; New in this version icons highlight new software features quickly; Discipline icons identify the field of study throughout. * Hands-on exercises appear throughout the text to reinforce learning and end-of-chapter projects require students to demonstrate a full understanding of the concepts presented in the chapter.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Introduction to AutoCAD 2015: A Modern Perspective" di Paul Richard e Jim Fitzgerald, edito da Peachpit Press, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 84,61.

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