sabato 27 settembre 2014

HELP! My Computer is Slow...: Learn how to detect what is causing your computer to become a snail (slow) (PC Technology Book 8)

HELP! My Computer is Slow...: Learn how to detect what is causing your computer to become a snail (slow) (PC Technology Book 8)
Contenuto dell'eBook:

"This how-to guide will walk you through some computer techniques that will help you to determine what is making your computer slow, like a snail.

Computers can be very difficult and costly when this happens.

I will help you self diagnose your computer and help you to isolate the snail application causing your computer to slow down." (Todd A. Tiberio Sr.)

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "HELP! My Computer is Slow...: Learn how to detect what is causing your computer to become a snail (slow) (PC Technology Book 8)" di Todd A. Tiberio Sr. è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 3,20.

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