lunedì 21 giugno 2010

Adobe Creative Suite 5 Bible

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Learn to use CS5 to produce better work and become a more productive designer. The newest release of Adobe Creative Suite boasts a world of must-have features and enhancements to each of its applications: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, Acrobat, and Version Cue. Written by a duo of Adobe experts, this thorough reference focuses on the collection of programs that comprise the Creative Suite and shows you how to efficiently integrate and manage your workflow between these applications.

Padova and Murdock address common issues and explain how to handle typical challenges with the intent of putting you on your way to becoming a more productive designer. * Popular authors Ted Padova and Kelly Murdock delve into the programs that make up the new Adobe Creative Suite 5: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, Acrobat, and Version Cue * Shows you how to integrate and manage workflow among each of the Adobe applications * Explains how to develop consistent color-managed workflows, move files among all of the CS5 programs, prepare files for print or the Web, repurpose documents, and more. As one of the few books to cover all of the Adobe programs, Creative Suite 5 Bible is an essential resource for sharpening your skills in order to become a better designer.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Adobe Creative Suite 5 Bible" di Kelly L. Murdock e Ted Padova, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 30,13.

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