lunedì 28 giugno 2010

Brilliant Photoshop CS5

Contenuto del volume:

Brilliant Adobe Photoshop CS5 guides you through the essential tasks step-by-step, showing you how to: * Improve productivity with the CS5 interface and templates * Use automatic layer alignment and blending to work with objects * Use live filters to view and modify the results of opening files * Use more precise colour correction to enhance a photo * Use image trickery to change or enhance an image * Create eye-catching bevels and special effects * Transform plain text into a show-stopping image * Use tool presets to construct the right tool for the right job * Test content on different target devices. Brilliant books provide quick and easy-to-access information.

Features include: * Detailed index and contents page * Numbered step-by-step tasks * Visual full colour screenshots * Expert tips, tricks and advice * Practical troubleshooting guide

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Brilliant Photoshop CS5" di Steve Johnson, edito da Pearson Education Limited, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 21,47.

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