sabato 5 giugno 2010

Enterprise Mac: Mac OS X Snow Leopard Security

Contenuto del volume:

A common misconception in the Mac community is that Mac's operating system is more secure than others. While this might be true in certain cases, security on the Mac is still a crucial issue. When sharing is enabled or remote control applications are installed, Mac OS X faces a variety of security threats. Enterprise Mac Security: Mac OS X Snow Leopard is a definitive, expert-driven update of the popular, slash-dotted first edition and was written in part as a companion to the SANS Institute course for Mac OS X. It contains detailed Mac OS X security information, and walkthroughs on securing systems, including the new Snow Leopard operating system. Using the SANS Institute course as a sister, this book caters to both the beginning home user and the seasoned security professional not accustomed to the Mac, establishing best practices for Mac OS X for a wide audience. The authors of this book are seasoned Mac and security professionals, having built many of the largest network infrastructures for Apple and spoken at both DEFCON and Black Hat on OS X security.

What you'll learn* The newest security techniques on Mac OS X and latest Snow Leopard operating system from the best and brightest* The details of the entire new Mac OS X Snow Leopard Operating System for the desktop and server, and how to secure these systems * Considerations for third-party applications on systems * The details of Mac forensics and Mac hacking* How to tackle Apple wireless security

Who is this book for? This book is for new users, power users, and administrators who wish to make sure that their Mac platform is secure.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Enterprise Mac: Mac OS X Snow Leopard Security" di Dee-Ann LeBlanc, Stephen Charles Edge e William Barker, edito da APress, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 35,51.

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