sabato 26 giugno 2010

Computer Basics Windows 7 Edition in Simple Steps

Contenuto del volume:

Top 10 Computer Basics Tips: 1. Set up a PC * 2. Write a letter * 3. Change the background and screen saver * 4. Play a game * 5. Compose and send an email * 6. Access a website * 7. Back up a folder to an external drive * 8. Upload a digital photo from a digital camera, phone or memory card * 9. Copy a CD to your hard drive * 10. Get help and support

Chapter 1: Set up a PC or laptop * Locate and plug in the power cable * Connect the monitor * Connect a USB mouse and keyboard * Connect external speakers or headphones * Connect and install a printer * Connect and install a webcam * For a laptop: locate, insert or remove the battery Locate and press the power button * Connect additional hardware

Chapter 2: First steps * Start your PC * Activate a new PC * Use the mouse * Use the keyboard * Use the touchpad * View the Welcome Center in Vista * Watch demonstration videos * Shut down Windows safely

Chapter 3: Common tasks * Locate, open and close an application * Open a window * Close a window é Search for a program with the Start menu * Write a letter with Notepad * Save a letter with Notepad * Reopen a saved file * Print a letter with Notepad * Use the calculator * Play solitaire * Change the background * Change the screen saver * Empty the Recycle Bin

Chapter 4: Work with files and folders * Locate your personal folders * Create a folder * Create a subfolder * Copy a file * Move a file * Delete a file * Copy a folder * Move a folder * Delete a folder * Open a saved file * Search for a lost file * Back up a folder or file to an external drive

Chapter 5: Personalise Vista * Enable the Sidebar * Set the time on the clock gadget * Add or remove a Sidebar gadget * Close the Sidebar * Enable Aero * Use Flip * Use Flip 3D * Change the screen resolution * Change the picture on the Start menu * Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use

Chapter 6: Work with windows * Change the view in a window * Minimise a window * Restore a window * Maximise a window * Move a window * Resize a window

Chapter 7: The Internet * Open a website in Internet Explorer * Open a website in a new tab * Set a home page * Mark a favourite * Change the zoom level of a webpage * Clear history * Stay safe online * Print a webpage

Chapter 8: Email * Set up an email account in Windows Mail * View an email * View an attachment * Reply to an email * Forward an email * Compose and send a new email * Attach a picture to an email using Insert * Attach a picture to an email using right-click * Add a contact * Print an email * Change how often Mail checks for email * Apply a junk email filter * Create a folder * Move email to a folder * Delete email in a folder

Chapter 9: Stay secure * Add a new user account * Require a password * Configure Windows Update * Scan for viruses with Windows Defender * Enable the firewall * View and resolve Security Center warnings

Chapter 10: Digital Pictures * Install a digital camera or webcam * Install a printer * Open Photo Gallery and view a picture * Upload digital photos * Import pictures from a media card * View a slideshow of pictures * Auto adjust picture quality * Fix red eye * Crop a picture * Email a picture * Change the size of the thumbnail * Take a screen shot * Email a screen shot

Chapter 11: Music, DVDs and Windows Media Player * Open Media Player * Listen to a song * Copy a CD to your hard drive * Copy music files to a CD * Create a playlist * Create an auto playlist * Share your music * Watch a DVD

Chapter 12: Change system defaults * Change AutoPlay settings * Change the date and time * Change language settings * Change folder options * Change touchpad and mouse settings * Enable Quick Launch * Add icons to the Quick Launch area of the taskbar

Chapter 13: Share data and printers * Open the Network and Sharing Center * Turn on file sharing * Turn on printer sharing * Share a printer * Turn on Public folder sharing * Turn on password-protected sharing * Turn on media sharing * Save data to the Public folder * Access the Public folder * Share a personal folder

Chapter 14: Use Help and Support * Open Help and Support * Search Help * Browse Help * Get help online * Get help from a dialogue box * Access help from an open window * Access Mail's Help feature * Access Internet Explorer's Help feature * Access Windows Update Help and Support feature * Access help from a third-party program

Chapter 15: Improve computer performance * Use Windows Defender to disable unnecessary programs * Adjust visual effects * Adjust indexing options * View battery life and change battery status * Turn on and off WiFi * Change when the computer sleeps * Change what happens when you press the power button * Know your Windows Experience Base Score * Install antivirus software

Chapter 16: Fix problems * Enable System Restore * Use System Restore * Disable unwanted startup items * Resolve Internet connectivity problems * Use Device Driver Rollback * Reconnect loose cables * View available hard drive space * Delete unwanted Media Center media * Uninstall unwanted programs * Use Disk Cleanup * Use Disk Defragmenter

Top 10 Computer Basics Problems Solved: 1. A piece of hardware doesn't work * 2. I can't find a file that I previously saved * 3. I can't use my PC effectively because of a disability * 4. I get too much junk email * 5. I suspect my computer may have a virus * 6. One of the pictures I've uploaded has a subject with red eye'. I want to remove this from the picture * 7. My computer doesn't do what I want it to do when I insert a blank CD, DVD movie or music CD * 8. I've downloaded or installed software or hardware that caused a problem for the computer, and the computer now seems unstable * 9. It takes a long time for my computer to complete the boot-up process * 10. I could connect to the Internet yesterday, but today I can't

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Computer Basics Windows 7 Edition in Simple Steps" di Joli Ballew, edito da Pearson Education Limited, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 12,42.

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