lunedì 14 giugno 2010

Microsoft Access 2010 Plain & Simple

Contenuto del volume:

Get the guide that makes learning Microsoft Access 2010 plain and simple! This full color, no-nonsense book shows you the quickest ways to build a database and sort information, using easy-to-follow steps and concise, straightforward language. You'll learn how out-of-the-box templates and reusable components make Access 2010 a fast and simple database solution.

Here's WHAT you'll learn: * Navigate the user interface with Backstage view and the customizable ribbon * Design and build your own database * Build forms that help you collect information * Create charts and reports * Exchange data with other databases and documents * Help prevent unauthorized data access And here's HOW you'll learn it: * Jump in wherever you need answers * Easy-to-follow STEPS and SCREENSHOTS show exactly what to do * Handy TIPS teach new techniques and shortcuts * Quick TRY THIS! exercises help you apply what you learn right away

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Access 2010 Plain & Simple" di Curtis Frye, edito da Microsoft Press, è in vendita anche su

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