sabato 12 giugno 2010

Office 2010 All in One for Dummies

Contenuto del volume:

Welcome to Office 2010! Here's where you get up to speed on all the applications -- right now!

If you want to get your work done better and faster with Office 2010, this book is for you. Whether you're new to Office or need help navigating Office 2010's interface and new features, you'll find the answers, how-to information, advice, shortcuts, and tips right here. And you'll learn how the tools work together to make you more productive!
  • They're a team -- explore commands and features common to all the Office programs plus techniques to boost your productivity
  • Working with Word -- create letters, reports, newsletters, mass mailings, and more
  • Improve your Outlook -- manage your e-mail, track tasks, keep an address book and calendar, and organize your life
  • Get your Point across -- build livelier, more original PowerPoint presentations and even improve your delivery
  • Excel at number crunching -- design spreadsheets that are easy to understand, use data-validation rules, and analyze data
  • Access your information -- discover all the ways you can build and use an Access database
  • Your own Publisher -- turn out great brochures, pamphlets, and other publications
  • A step beyond -- check out the extra programs and customize your Office

Open the book and find:
  • The common tools you'll find in all Office applications
  • Clear instructions for revising and collaborating on documents
  • Tips on building tables, charts, and diagrams in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
  • Word's tools for creating scholarly reports and white papers
  • Advice on scheduling events with Outlook
  • Secrets of memorable PowerPoint presentations
  • How to build an Access database from scratch
  • Hints for creating newsletters in Publisher

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Office 2010 All in One for Dummies" di Peter Weverka, edito da Wiley Publishing, è in vendita anche su

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